Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Alas poor snail!

As I write this our resident thrush is singing. It has been with us all Spring and sings lustily and not always tunefully, but at least it has a large repertoire.

I was wandering in the garden this evening, photographing various favourite flowers, when I spotted a small stone in the drive, with this snail shell on top. The thrush has clearly been at work. It can have as many snails and slugs as it wishes to!

Gwen, Ann and I met this morning to work out how to deliver our next First Aid course. We are doing it in-house and want to pare down the course to the essentials in the hope that the teams will remember the important things when there is an accident.

We made great progress and we are ready to offer the first version of our training. Roll up, roll up!

I have written up the walks write ups that were due last week...…...sorry Anne, who has taken over this job from me. It's one of my least favourite but it has to be done.

Arth now knows that his operation is on 11th November, so I've plenty of time to build up those quadriceps before then. (I might even find I don't need the operation!!)

Margret (next door) came. Her granddaughter, C, has just heard she has a 2:1 from Cambridge. Well done to her.

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