
Hot sunny breakfast outside, continuing to reminisce over our Cambodia days. From dying cats to cleaners napping on the sofa, and from burglars with superhuman feats of athleticism to a diving mask that nearly sucked out Berry's eyes, it was a rip-roaring journey through life in Cambodia.

Henri and Gerhardt caught the train back to London for an afternoon of assembling IKEA lamps. I chose alternatively to continue enjoying the brilliant weather, firstly by sprawling on the grass to read a Lonely Planet for a holiday at the end of July, and then by cycling about 25 miles with my friend Yusuf there and back to Burwell, on the edge of the fens, where I refuelled with a white chocolate magnum. What summer's day is complete without one?

Picturesque Cambridgeshire villages are stunning and especially idyllic in the warm sun. Church grounds are immaculate, nothing much stirs except insects, and houses have names such as Clunch Cottage, displayed without any sense of irony. Do the owners realise every teenage (and thirty-something) male is chuckling about the name, and noting it in a blog?

The image is of a field just outside the quaint village of Swaffham Bulbeck.

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