Not for Freegle

I love the system of advertising an 'offer' or a 'wanted' and either giving it or gaining it. Freegle - free and legal. It's amazing what people want when it's no longer useful to you. Only yesterday someone came to collect a pile of old ring binders, dividers and poly pockets. Anything to avoid landfill.

But there will always be things that don't go on Freegle or to the charity shop. I've already blipped the christening gown and the sporrans. Here are more treasures. An Art Deco opalescent bowl from Arrers French Glass with six side bowls. The design is 'hazelnuts and leaves' which you can see better in the extra.  I've had these bowls for decades but rarely used them. It's a shame not to but what would I do if I broke one? They're 1930s glass but were a wedding present to my parents who married in 1952. My mum wasn't an Art Deco fan and I don't remember these bowls being in use. They wouldn't be everyday stuff by any means but I don't even remember them out on special occasions. That's probably why she gave them to me!

In other news it's still beautiful summer weather. I'm off to collect the three-year-old soon so we can let the wild rumpus begin.

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