not usual window

After a good start (happy to remain confined to the hotel room for a light breakfast of hoops) there was some oscillation between walking nicely and neither wanting to walk nor go in the buggy whilst Nicky and I found some adult breakfast-food and then trundled to the town centre to meet up with the other people dragging their bairns around closed-off Glaswegian streets. Joanne had brought enough safety-pins for everyone but Edgar wasn't at all keen on wearing his T-shirt, which was quite understandable given that all they had left by the time I picked it up yesterday evening were suitable for ages seven and upwards. As seems usual on these sorts of thing the quoted start time was far in advance of the actual start time, leaving about an hour to wander around being horrified at the noise and nonsense. Even when the actual start time arrived and everyone was herded onto the north side of the square there was still ten minutes of hideously over-amplified shouting to contend with, resulting in lots of crying as we edged towards what would usually be nap-time. We started at the back and finished exactly last, though he did scuttle by himself for most of it, mostly in the right direction.

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