
By DonnaWanna

It's hard to get a pic of a black swan and her bab

After about twenty tries this is all I ended up with of this lovely regal black swan. I had to manipulate it slightly and lighten it up just so she was a little more visible, there was a lot of shadow and hanging branches and unfortunately her little grey baby is lost amongst all that. I must add that they don't usually hang out by this fence, they're usually just dimly visible way over the other side, so I thought my luck was in today.
This pond is on the route that Jake and I take on our morning walks.
Four black swans who currently have two babies and other assorted ducks and a big group of Ibis live there. Its a well protected area fenced off in amongst a very busy shopping precinct, and the swans are not fond of dogs or people.
If you've ever tried to take a pic with a dog on the lead you'll know why I wasn't having much success. By the time I had taken him home and walked back they had all moved off except this one and her baby who it seemed she was teaching to duck dive :)

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