Dylan’s Diary #13

“What a day! It started fine, the usual roaming about the garden and snoozing.
But, then they took me inside. That was okay at first. I sat nicely and got my ears rubbed.
You’ll never guess what happened next!
They put me in a carrier thing, took me to the car, and, are you ready for this, we went to the vet!!
I have to say that she was very nice. She weighed me and apparently I have lost quite a bit of weight. She felt me and prodded me but she said she couldn’t feel any nasty lumps.
So, they have to feed me some critical care food to try to build me up a bit.
When we got home, they fed me with a syringe and it made a bit of a mess so I had to get my face washed!
It’s not easy growing old!”

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