Tai chi?

Still feeling poo today!  Bored of it now though, so decided to try and push through it rather than give in to it.  I changed the bed this morning, then after lunch Tim and I went for a walk up through the 'village' and to Greenwich Park, dropping off a couple of bags of (Tim's) old clothes at the textile bank and some slightly newer ones at the charity shop on the way.

Spotted three women dressed in these white outfits, doing some sort of tai chi type thing, with a fan.  (Just googled that, and I think that's a thing - using a fan in tai chi.)  I was trying to do a quick sneaky shot through this pretty plant, but my focus appears to have landed on the plant and not the 'dancer.'  Well, it is a pretty plant, so hey ho.

Felt ruddy knackered while out - had to have a little sit down on a bench before heading back home.  Got a second wind on the way back though, and felt alright, though tired, the rest of the afternoon.  I think going for a walk was the right move.

I had a very lazy afternoon after that, while Tim was very busy around me, listing stuff on ebay and doing his exercises, then cooking dinner and watching the Grand Prix.  I mostly played Wolfenstein on the PS4 ;)

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