Another night in A&E

Two policemen guard the cubicle next to me. It’s one o’ clock in the morning in A&E Larbert hospital..
I have been admitted with suspected blood clot and infected haematoma diagnosed by NHS 24 doctor.

One policeman smiles in my direction. He looks bored.
“What’s the problem ?”
“Prisoner. He tried to escape. But we caught him. He is injured.”
( Friend of mine once woke up in a Glasgow hospital to the sound of chains- a policeman chained to a prisoner in the next bed).

Doctor from orthopaedics appears several hours later.
He disagrees with NHS dr diagnosis.
“ That is normal” he says pointing at dramatic bruising and lumps on my operated leg. “You can go home.”

“How? I arrived by ambulance “
“Ring a friend “ says the young doctor.

“ At three o clock in the morning? No chance”
“Ring your husband. Mobile phones don’t work here. No we can’t provide you with a taxi home. The NHS has run out of money.”

A nurse eventually wheels me in a chair to an empty waiting lounge. She rings for a taxi from the free phone.
Taxi driver demands proof I will pay at end of journey. I have no proof. I have no possessions with me.
I tell him the address and that I will ring my husband once in taxi and we have a signal. Reluctantly he agrees.

I give him the address. He decides if I live in Bridge of Allan there is a chance of someone the other end paying the bill.
He takes a chance on it.

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