Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Where’s Sandy?

My short series of the people who visit me has been interrupted today. I had to ask Sandy to postpone her visit because I wasn’t very well. Read on.

Arth, whispering, “what’s been going on Aggie? I put my fingers in my ears last night when I was upset, and I’ve missed today”

Aggie, “You were hiding away because you knew you had caused trouble. All this attention she’s giving to you and you are not grateful.”

Arth, whimpering weakly, “I’ve been in a lot of pain. You are not very kind to me....”

Last night my temperature was raised and I could not settle Arth’s pain. I was rushing to the loo and thought I might have an infection. After midnight, I phoned the hospital as per instructions. The nurse on duty was very helpful. She suggested waiting until this morning for the walk-in clinic at the local hospital.

Margret had me there for the 0800 start. It was not the happiest experience. I was disappointed by the attitudes of nearly all the staff. One nurse greeted me warmly and brought water when I needed some. The other did not introduce herself and sat with her back to me while attempting to take my history. (Margret noted that she had not listened to my answers.)

The consultant was charming. Unfortunately I felt patronised. “Make sure you take your paracetamol regularly.” As if I would not. “You don’t have a temperature.” Me, “I did” Him “well you don’t now”

The walk in clinic can offer very little. It is not an A&E department. He suggested I go to Newcastle if I wanted more.

There was no sign of infection which was good.

So I came home, had another supportive phone call from the Nuffield and decided to wait and see.

Cautiously optimistic now.

Will stop writing such introspective commentaries in due course. I hope to return and laugh at them.

Sandy sent me a photo of the flowers she would have brought. My blip is from the flowers sent by Freda, Joan and Bob in Sunderland.

Aggie, “Do you understand now?”
Arth, “Think so. I was very good and did my exercises again today, didn’t I?”

Well done Arth, Aggie, Marj and Rene.

Tune in tomorrow for the ongoing saga of Arth’s new knee...if you are not asleep already.

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