Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Little Donkey

Today has been a bitty sort of a day, all sorts of little things scored off the to-do list but nothing interesting of which to write. This evening I've been to a dancing class party over which a veil should be drawn ....

The highlight of the day was a chat with N, who is excited that we'll be going to see her next week.  She told me that the new house has upstairs AND downstairs (she's lived in a flat till now), and that when I come I'll have to take my shoes off before I go upstairs!

I've also been watching the video of her performance in 'Wriggly Nativity', in which she played the donkey.  I've had the tunes from it going through my head all day.  

This is a picture of her taken nearly three years ago, but she hasn't changed much.

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