
By mindful_life

Sneaky squirrel

Today was my long day at work followed by my son’s swim session. During my lunch break today a friend suggested a walk in the gardens so we wrapped up and headed off. When the sun was out it was really quite warm! The squirrels in the park are quite hilarious as they are so tame! This little rascal actually started to climb my friend’s leg but scampered off before I could photograph him in action!!

My son had the pleasure of taking part in his birthday swim which involves all the other swimmers placing themselves along the lane ropes and using their floats to splash like crazy whilst the birthday person swims 2 lengths butterfly! For some reason they look forward to this!

Today’s inspiration is:

“I will know peace when.... I heal my need for external acceptance and recognition”

The explanation of this is that for many people we seek the acknowledgment and acceptance of others and we equate these things with being loved. Being loved is a basic human need. Beneath this is the cry for self-love. Someone else acknowledging us can be more satisfying that self-love and this may be because we don’t trust our own love.

"When you know in your heart of hearts that you are withholding love or forgiveness from someone else, your love will not be enough to satisfy you. Until today, you may have been seeking the acceptance that you have been withholding from someone else. Just for today, open your heart to someone you have shut out. It doesn’t mean that they were right. It means that you are willing to heal."
Today I am devoted to opening my heart, to acknowledging and accepting that I have enough love to sustain myself and to offer to others!" from "Until Today!: Daily Devotions for Spiritual Growth and Peace of (New York)" by Iyanla Vanzant

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