Squirrel Blip Friday .....

.... and Tiny Tuesday results.

It was a stellar week for Tiny Tuesday this week .... with 85 entries!  Even with the hard theme of "out of season" I was thrilled that so many of you put your best effects forward! Thank you to all that participated!  It was difficult to choose all my faves and honorable mentions but it has to be done!

The hearts were awarded to the following:
Tedwin ~ Finding eggs in a nesting box is definitely out of season!
DawnP ~ Lovely tiny buds ... love the even tinier one in the middle.
GoranZebuhr ~ One word ..... adorable!
KeenKen ~ I love so much about this .... the coloring, the lighting, etc.
Popsie64 ~ I have never seen such tiny shells before.  Only wish this was in color and not mono.

Honorable mentions were awarded to:
NatureLover ~ More tiny shells!
Terrifo ~ Beautiful coloring on this flower.
Isbi ~ Wonderful close up .... even if it's a spider!
Ingeborg ~ Beautifully photographed lily.
Dollykgray ~ Nice out of season grass heads.

And a Special Mention goes to:
Jensphotos ~ Who doesn't like adorable tiny puppies!

Next week's Tiny Tuesday will be week 191 ... tag is TT191 or Tiny Tuesday 191.  And the theme is ..... "special memento".  This could be anything tiny you hold near and dear to you that you may have received as a gift or purchased whilst on vacation .... or you simply treasure!  I will be visiting all who participate and give stars to everyone.  If you haven't received a star by Wednesday that means I haven't seen it and please let me know!  

Thank you again!

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