Plum Antics

The blackbird family, Mum, Dad and at least two kids, spend most of their time under the cherry plum tree eating green plums. I pass along the path under the tree many times a day, and every time I encounter at least one and sometimes four of them. They pick the plums. Some land on the veranda roof bouncing on the fibreglass with a thump-thump. That is followed by scrabbling of claws. Sometimes there’s a loud rolling sound and a plop and scramble as plum and bird hit the ground. This goes on from dawn to dusk, and I often find myself laughing at the sounds I hear. For the blackbirds, however, it’s serious business. I’ve given up the idea of having ripe plums for myself.

The chicks have handsome speckled  plumage. I think this one is a male, due to the black tail and wing feathers.

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