Flight of the blue tit

I've been trying to entice more birds (and, ideally, a new Roger) to the garden with feeders and so forth. So far, there are robins, blue tits, blackbirds and sparrows and also long-tailed tits, who I was trying to get a photo of today. However, I wasn't quite quick enough before Basil wandered out and they took off next door. I will keep trying, though. Meanwhile, this blue tit nearly got away too.

In other news, Basil had a vet and nurse appointment today for a clip and groom. He doesn't look much different except he has shorter claws, which makes it easier for him to walk around on our wooden floors, and less fur around the eyes. It was during the process of the facial trim that the vet noticed he has corneal ulcers, which might explain his recent restlessness and account for the sleep deprivation that we've all been suffering. So he's on two lots of eye drops for a week and we'll see how it goes...

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