The day and the decline

This sums up the day , and the decline.

When I walked down Whitehall to (yet another) Brexit meeting it was closed off by the police and jammed with taxis, demonstrating about access to bus lanes, amongst other things.

It was a graphic image - an iconic UK brand being completely bogged down in dispute and going nowhere.

(PS; Someone pointed out to me the other day that I had been a Minister for a long time - probably suggesting too long. I did a wee calculation and today I reach the 3653 rd day in that role - exactly ten years , including the additional day for the three leap years in the period. Some great times and great jobs , though the present one has days, like today, that make me very worried indeed and despairing of the UK Government and the complete chaos it has created. Like taxis clogging the main political arteries....)

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