tempus fugit

By ceridwen

From the very new to the very old

Many, many thanks for all the kind words, good wishes, stars and hearts on my personal milestone yesterday. I am really very touched and appreciative. Life events seem to become so much more significant when shared and blippers wonderfully generous at responding.

Another spookily warm February day with the temperature up to 20 Centigrade couldn't help but confirm what a topsy-turvey world today's infants are inheriting. Here at Abermawr beach the shifting shingle reveals the effect of climate change 6000  years ago when warming temperatures melted the ice caps and raised the sea level, drowning a forested shore. When winter storms rake away the shingle bank a layer of compressed peat is exposed at low tide. Pickled in brine and pressed under the weight of the stones it has acquired  the consistency of Cheddar cheese and the smooth slippery surface of soap.

I wonder if the peat layer will still be visible in another 6000 years. The sea level will be much higher if global warming continues at the present rate. And who will be around to see it?

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