Arts Outdoors

It's in the high 30s (4C) with the wind blowing and we're wandering around outdoors catching art works. Why, oh why? Let's just say the facility we visited (Glenstone) requires timed (but free) admission and those slots are usually booked months ahead of time, so when we saw an opening, we went for it.  

It's unique in its genre (although much reminiscent of the Dia Art Center which served as one of its models -- including in the art works it featured). It's also privately owned and the family's home is on the grounds (safely away from all us art peeps).  

My only regret is that there was no photography of the interior of the buildings: the architecture of the less-than-one-year old new buildings was amazing and the play of light and angles... oh my! The possibilities for great shots were endless.  What I could photograph was outdoors, so, there's a shot from one of several bigger than life sculptures/installations on the grounds of the Glenstone.

thanks for your feedback on yesterday's trial pic :)

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