Jack Frost

Shoe-skating across icy pavements in the sooty darkness to a frost-clenched bus shelter in order to wait for over half an hour, in sub zero temperatures, for a hugely late and massively overcrowded bus.

It's a magical time of year, ay it?

For today's sing-song, we'll turn to an original composition from the late Mike Waterson, as sung by his niece, Eliza Carthy.

Talk of heroes, woe for Nelson,
I must disagree.
Sing the praise of Alexander,
He's no use to me.

Here we only have one hero,
One hero of great fame.
Ne'er failing in his duty,
Listen, I'll tell to you his name.

Endless drawings, countless sketches
On my window pane.
Master craftsman, skilled engraver,
Jack Frost is his name.

From the cold wastes of Siberia,
Every winter he has come.
Never failing in his duty
Till the winter time is gone.

Flew the eagle into Moscow,
Sure in its defeat.
Ran the bear and sprang the winter,
Came the grand retreat.

From the cold wastes of Siberia,
Came the hero in my tale.
Three hundred thousand came to Moscow
To perish in the blizzards and the gale.

Endless drawings, countless sketches
On the window pane.
Master craftsman, skilled engraver,
Jack Frost is his name,
Jack Frost is his name.

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