

Today, preparation work stared on the underground installation of the fibre optic cable in front of our property.  These cones and fence panels protect a shallow hole between our driveway and the neighbour’s driveway.

In recent weeks workmen have been busy all across the town of Motueka, NZ installing the cable street to street. 

It has been a dull, but warm day, with light rain arriving mid afternoon, pausing early in the evening - until I was outside taking this photo and it set in at a steady pace so I made a quick exit and back inside where it was dry. 

Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts for my anniversary ‘thank you card’. I hope I have now thanked everyone individually who left a comment, star, heart for my special milestone day. I am truely grateful for your generosity which put the blip in number one position on the popular pages.

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