
The other day on behalf of BTC, I shot some teaser stills for use in posters, flyers, the web and newspaper stories. This time the focus was on library pictures of "Secret Bridesmaids Business" cast members for use in programs and front of house displays.

This is Paulina. Until she retired from full time acting a few years back, she appeared in a wide variety of professional Sydney theatre productions. In "Bridesmaids" she plays Meg, the poor hassled bride around whom all the comedic business arises. In the extra is a picture of Cassandra, an equally talented and similarly experienced performer.

On a technical note, these portraits were all done with the m4/3 Lumix LX-100. Its f1.7, 24-70mm (ffeq) Leica lens is near perfect glass for this sort of job. I used to use an f1.8, 90mm (ffeq) M.Zuiko on my m4/3 OMD but I'd defy anyone to complain about the difference in potential results ... and I find that the LX-100 kit is rather more versatile in the long run.

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