Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Barcelona Day 3 Sagrada Familial

Today is my birthday and I have wanted to visit the Sagrada Familial for ages so I booked it for today. Last year we went to Rome and visited the Vatican and the Basilica. I was blown away by those and I was expecting the same today but I was sadly a bit disappointed. Personally I think they'd made it too modern. What works in Rome is the history and the grandeur of the place but I think this has been lost a little bit here. Yes it's beautiful and impressive but for me it didn't have the same wow factor as the Vatican.

After the Sagrada, we found a lovely restaurant to have a delicious pudding in and then returned to the hotel where we spent a lovely hour or so relaxing and sunbathing on the rooftop terrace. We walked around Barcelona and visited other interesting places including the cathedral, Gaudi's former home and an apartment block that he designed. We were really tired after lots of walking the day before so we didn't do as much. We had a steak for tea and then returned to the hotel to pack.

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