Merry Christmas

My feet are killing me!

I had a very long day - it started with a long walk with Poppy, then I met mom at the bank, then we went for lunch, then R joined us. After my mom left, R & I went to look for boots for our upcoming trip. We went to lots of stores but couldn't find happiness. we walked and walked and walked. Went back home and walked some more and the 30 mins before we were due to meet KP, we each found something. It cost a bit more than what we wanted but we didn't really have a choice.

Then we met KP and went to Jaffa. R has never been to a mass so we thought it would be interesting to go to one of the churches. We ended up stumbling into some king of Indian celebrations in the high school right next to church. It was quite interesting and we were the only white people there.

It turned out that we arrived to late for the mass 9the paper said there would be one at 19:00 and one at 21:00 but it turned out there was only one at 19:00) so we had dinner at the Jaffa port and came back for the midnight mass which unfortunately was in Arabic so we couldn't understand anything. We stayed only for a short while and then we went home.

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