Fairtrade School Award

After a long day yesterday it was after midnight when we got to bed, and just before 8am the builders van pulled up outside. They were coming to change the leaky tiles around our shower for a solid panel. A very nice young man said that the plumber would soon be arriving to turn off the water to the shower, so while he waited in the van, I quickly washed my hair and made myself presentable to attend a special assembly at Dunscore Primary School.

Many years ago, I stated a Fairtrade Group in Dunscore and our village became the first Fairtrade village in Dumfries and Galloway. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength. A group has been working with the children to achieve the FairAchiever Award, which is the highest the three Fairtrade School awards, and today this was presented to the school by Colin Smyth MSP. Here he is with Mr Carter, headteacher.

Fairtrade coffee and tea were being served afterwards but I had to rush off as Sarah and Chris were leaving to go back down to London, and before that, we went to visit our  friend Virginia in hospital. We played her our singing bowls and bells, which she really enjoyed.

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