Life Savors

By osuzanna

After sending my camera off twice because of card slot issues, it appeared that the remaining issue was that the camera would not format new SD cards.  An easy work-around for me, as I have other Sony cameras and just formatted the cards in the A7R2.  I contacted the fabulous tech support people in NYC who have been a bit baffled by my SD card issue and I told them that before I sent the camera back again, I was first going to upgrade to the recently released firmware and then going to take it on vacation. As luck would have it, the firmware upgrade fixed it and I won't need to send it back again. 

I have been so busy with flowers and insects of late, so today I took the big lens into the backyard to get some bird shots.  I forgot how difficult it is this time of year because of all the dense foliage.  There were lots of titmice and chickadee youngsters around looking scruffy, awkward and tentative as they fluttered around the feeders and trees. I was a bit out of practice and didn't get as many shots as I would have liked.  This one will do for today's blip. 

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