2011 photo resolution

By karenanya

New Year - early start

After a disturbed night with husband coughing and both of us keeping an ear out for sons returning from their respective night's out (one back at 4 am, other one still out!), I had to get up early to visit my local radio station.

In contrast to the interview in February, there was no preamble or putting at ease. I was straight from the reception area to the studio and live on air. I don't think the presenter had actually looked at any of my photos but we muddled through. The piece was about 10 minutes long and had to stop on time to link with a piece about the US fiscal cliff. Came away a bit disappointed, but had got my blip by 8.50 am!

The sun is out, it's not raining, it's a new year and a new start. Could be an interesting one.....

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