Dandelions are yummy!

Train from Perth into Edinburgh I had intended to travel on Inverness to London train which stops at Gleneagles station however due to flooding north of Perth that train was cancelled! It had very heavy rain overnight !
Met my cousins for lunch in cafe at church at east end of George Street , good food
served by volunteers, the clientèle always reminds me of characters from Alexander McColl Smith novels! It’s a wonderful mix of people! Met a coach full of visitors from Devon here for the Tattoo to guide them and their driver around this crazy fun crowded city! Started to rain just as I left them, ran to the station & jumped on a train ! I hear I missed a spectacular storm thunder/lightning lasting a few hours!! Escaped! Phew! Poor visitors they’d be drookit ( soaked!) my wee resident bunny loves dandelions! He’s been munching away for a while now! He’s so cute! I only see one ......definitely Billy no mates! Or he’s keeping the dandelions in my garden for himself!!
A grand day indeed!!

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