Day One

A showery day again - I've been barrowing soil up to the bed behind my new wall. I've done about half of it and had an idea to put a small wildlife pond there. Very small, but it's the only place in my extreme garden that I can do it. All will be revealed in due course!

In the meantime. my builder/neighbour spent the afternoon on Saturday beginning the job of cladding the concrete block wall. I'm not sure why he's doing it this way rather than building the whole thing out of stone, but I don't mind as long as it stays up!

This is my section, which he's doing first - on the other side of the drive are his sections which he'll be cladding both sides. Probably more than 10 times the length of my bit. I don't envy him the job, especially as some of the stone is too big and he's having to cut it!!

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