Day still about water...

But it's lot easier now that we have certain hours for the water. And as the vent or whatever is right in front of our house, we are the ones controlling it! Wohoo!

Tomorrow the plumber will come and apparently is not allowed to leave before the water issue is fixed. At least so that we can be put on the main water. 

I got my power cord and am back on my laptop. I finished one book that wasn't that good. But I finished it. Even the ending was weird. Started another book which seems interesting.

Been following the water conversation the whole day. I'm always interested in human behavior and this has been intriguing to experience. People are helping each other. We've had so many offers to get water, do laundry or have a shower that I can't count. People are so kind and helpful.

And of course we had a nice swim in the morning. The crowds are getting smaller in the parking lot in early morning, so it seems that tourists are going home - finally! Soon we'll have the village and the beaches all to ourselves! Another wohoo for that!

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