What a Grey Day

I woke up  feeling a bit tearful today, I don't know why but I guess it's a mix of the medication and also that I'm just in constant nagging pain, kind of like bad tooth ache but  across my shoulder and down my arm.  I'm also fed up of the miserable weather and feeling restricted as I can't drive and need Alan's help to get dressed etc.  But hey, it can only get better!

After breakfast we drove to Seaford to go for a walk and I took my camera and found I could take photos using the tilt screen - that way, with the camera around my neck I could support it with my left hand at sling height and then operate the controls with my right hand which is in the sling., where there's a will there's a way!  I also decided to try using some of the pre-programmed scenes to get a slightly different effect and this one was taken using 'Impressive Art'.    It's not something I'd use often but it was fun trying different things out and it felt good to be out with my camera.

Unfortunately it started to rain so we headed back to the car and drove to Lidl to buy the German Christmas goodies we like.  While we were there, Alan got a call from the gun shop in Brighton to say that his air pistol was ready for collection - it's the one he bought second hand from them a couple of months ago, and it had a fault so he took it back for repair.  So we drove into Brighton, parked up on Madeira Drive and while Alan went to the shop I had a stroll on the pier with my camera.  Unfortunately it started raining again, but Alan wasn't long and we sat at a cafe on the pier and had a hot chocolate and a coffee and shared a chocolate brownie. It felt good to be out, and I'm feeling much better than I did this morning.

Alan's now cooking a roast beef dinner with a little help from me, it's smelling very good and I'd better go and give him a hand.  Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

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