CapturedMoments's journal

By CapturedMoments

Changsha Train Station

I have a love/hate relationship with this place. On the hate side it is crowded, noisy and dirty. I do love it's appearance though. The architecture is what I suppose can be called Stalinist but either side of the main entrance it is capitalism galore with two wings of fast-food restaurants including those symbols of America KFC and McDonalds. Above the entrance is a huge screen showing all kinds of adverts.

This place is a great example of the clash of the modern and traditional (well traditional here meaning Chinese communist rather than Imperial era China), of state-owned and private capital. Licensed taxis complete with what are here called black taxis (unlicensed taxis), beggars ply their way through the crowds, farmers mingle with students and businessmen (as it is nearly always businessMEN in China), street vendors set up stalls while national and multinational chains try to attract customers with bright neon signs.

If you've never visited China and want a glimpse of the country in microcosm then visit a major train station. The whole country is there for the viewing.

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