Front Porch Scene

It is holiday break time, and so we are moving at a slower pace than usual, spending more time at home. I have some little tasks on my list, but they're nothing critical. Just things I've been meaning to get to for some time. Every year, the Christmas holiday break is my big chance to get a few things done.

I had not heard my husband puttering around the house, so I looked out on the front porch, and this was the peaceful little scene I took in: my husband, sitting quietly on a chair, with the LGK (Little Gray Kitty, given name: Stryker) on his lap, curled up and fast asleep.

This is a rather common scene around here, I must admit, but there is a level of gratitude about it that feels new. My husband and the LGK struck up a friendship, and when the LGK went missing in late November, my husband was beside himself with worry. We were joyful upon LGK's return.

And now somehow it means even more to us: this quiet moment, the only moment that really exists, which is to say this moment NOW. And these two, right here. One man. One cat. Enjoying a happy moment on the front porch, together.

The soundtrack is the Turtles, with Happy Together.

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