More Lichen And Rust

Spent the morning at Mrs madwill’s studio helping to put away the remains of the sale stuff (mostly Xmas stuff - so will be out again next August!). There was also a new sewing thread display unit to unpack and set up - which of course means she has bought hundreds of reels of thread to put in it :-o

Also took a load of cardboard boxes from our garage (mostly from Xmas present deliveries) to the tip plus an unhealthy number of wine and beer bottles for recycling.

Afternoon has been spent working on prepping and cutting more little fabric shapes - I was determined to try and cut down on the waste and had to work out the best size to cut up fabric to get the most number of shapes…I think it went well! Used about 20% less fabric and Bondaweb!

In between I managed a walk with Finlay - passing this pair of gates/doors near Bowcliffe Hall. The sun never shines in this little alleyway - so no glowing green and rust colours today. Quite gloomy in there today so the ISO has gone high.

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