Tiny Tuesday - Hobby

I guess if I have a hobby at all its photography and since joining Blip seven years ago I have developed a love of what the macro lens reveals.

I mostly like to look at a macro view of things that are discarded or overlooked like these gumnuts that have lost their outer shell and are deteriorating amongst the leaves. The complex understory revealed is stunning. Looks better in Large.

Or the dandelion in extras with all its stamens standing proud - just gorgeous and generally goes unnoticed. Also an assortment of discarded feathers from my feathered friends around my area. I have a rather large collection which includes here various Ibis feathers (of course), crow and falcon feathers and also a couple of closer looks at the fluffy ends of the ibis feathers which are so delicate and lovely - in extras.

Had a fun time playing with these lovely things from my Blip Box of Goodies! :o)

Big thanks to Kanga Zu for hosting TT :o)x

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