
It was a decent day of dealing with donor proposals, practising the conditional tense and steaming broccoli.

In the evening I was sent a link to this video about gratitude. It’s definitely worth a watch, and the channel looks interesting too. I like the way it explains how human nature has developed and is now affected by the modern world.

I do find lots of joy in things such as being moved by an amazing singer or a moment of tranquility in the fresh air, but often being wrapped up in work stress I’m the kind of person who would benefit from the practice of listing things to be grateful for. When it’s rammed into the brain I imagine it can edge out draining negative thoughts over time. I see some blip pals doing it on their journal and am interested in whether they feel any benefits from the daily practice. Answers not on a postcard as Mozambique doesn’t seem to have a functioning postal system. The comments section will suffice.

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