Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another movie!

JR went to the local gym first, then walked along to the Commie Pool with her gym pal for a Pilates session there. There are so many more classes available there, but this 10am one suited. She really enjoyed the hour session, and so she'll make it a regular outing. And her step count was terrific.

Robert came for his second Archie walk this week. He did his longest walk yet - over 10,000 steps. I think he went home for a lie down.

I watched the Federer/Millman game before we went to the cinema. I'd noticed that 'The Personal History of David Copperfield' was on the cheapo afternoon session, which is always tempting, so I booked tickets. I love Dev Patel, but the 'colourblind' casting was strange. The critical reviews are glowing, but the general populace hated it. At least I stayed for the whole film this time, though at nearly two hours it was Far Too Long.

Walked back through the Meadows. I used to play on that wee playground when I visited my Grandparents here in the 60s, though in my day, it was just a couple of swings.

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