We arrived home yesterday after our five hour trip from Albany to Perth.
We had a wonderful time with golf, sightseeing and cruising (of sorts) and of course the usual eating with the odd glass of something.

I've added a few extras for you.  The weather wasn't flash but I did manage a couple of swims and the water was warm, a pleasant surprise:
1. Ali took me to the Wind Farm just out of Albany and it was raining and blowing - thanks, Ali;
2. One of the many dogs on Middleton Beach - a 50 metre walk from where we were staying;
3. I loved the colours looking southeast from the beach on Sunday morning;
4. The Wind Farm looking a picture on Sunday at sunset;
5.  An Albatross.  We were suppose to see Orcas on our trip into the Southern Ocean, not one did we see.  The weather had been bad the two days prior.  The boat (all of about 35') was up and down with the big swell and I am relatively happy with the shot.  I was hoping for an Orca.  We shall have to try again next year.  

I'm so far behind and the next two days are busy with grandchildren - the last week before school returns.  I hope you are all well.

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