The Big Golden Dog

By Cowlieowlie

Camera Lesson

I went for a photography lesson with my friend melamny today. Well, more of a sit-and-talk-about-cameras sort of lesson. In fact, we did so much talking that we didn't take any photos! So having confidently expected to be provided with a suitable blip, I was disappointed. Thus, a hasty photograph of some guitar strings taken this evening!

We talked about composition, and focus, and lenses, and filters, and lens cleaning, and photo editing, and all sorts of things in the lesson! We are rarely short of conversation. Then my mum arrived to pick me up, and me and her and melamny and daughter and husband and Grandma (who was babysitting) all had tea and biscuits together. We all spent rather a long time chatting so we got home a bit later than planned!

All in all, a very enjoyable day spent with some very lovely people.

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