Rodents rule

By squirk

On the scrounge

I realised I'd left out the bag with the fat pellets yesterday. It wasn't there this morning and my money's on fox here. A neighbour will delight in finding the empty packet on a lawn because it's nowhere to be seen in my garden.

My thoughts are with the people affected by the Streatham terrorist attack a mile or so over the hill. I wondered what was up when I saw the police helicopter hovering just over the way and all the unmarked police cars and ambulances wailing up the street. The florist said it had been sirens for an hour or so, which is when I looked up Twitter and discovered the attack. Looking at the news, it seems the person who was in a critical state is now stable, thank goodness. The only person killed was the attacker (shot by police), but what a shock to everyone who witnessed the attack. Streatham High Road is a normal shopping street and usually has kids going to and from the cinema and into the shops. What a fright.

A couple of Feasties came round late afternoon to talk about the new hub, with one Feastie on speakerphone. It was a successful two-hour meeting – lots of ideas. Juno tried to distract us by pawing pens on to the floor from the table. He's such an attention seeker!

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