lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

A bit flakey

I'm not impressed that it's started snowing again. Walking to work was trickier today, more icy pavements than snow. I left work early to go to the dentist and got told that my tooth will probably crack again and I'll need to spend a lot of money on getting it properly capped, but for now it just has filler which still set me back £50. But I suppose I can't put a price on health.

After the dentist I went into London to meet Nick (boyfriend) and we wandered around Leicester Square for a while. There seemed to be the premier of some action movie neither of us had heard of and people were getting a bit excited for no apparent reason. We went to the pub and had a warm quiet drink. I'm on soft food today for the tooth. Weirdly there was pretty much no snow around in central London.

I got a train home and it was snowing when I got back here. I'm not impressed. I want the snow to go already, it's annoying. I took a photo of myself with the flash on to try to capture the falling snow but it wasn't really heavy enough. I thought I'd post it anyway though. On the way back I found it really helpful where some community-spirited people had cleared the pavement in front of their houses so when I got back I had a go at the pavement outside my house. We are renting and don't own a spade or shovel, so I had to improvise using a hard broom and kicking the ice with my boots. I think I did a reasonable job considering.

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