First of all - back to last night. Around 2am  I heard some dreadful screaming out the back in the allotments.  Tino and Lily both woke up and were on total alert.  I knew what it was as I've heard it before.  A fox.  If you don't know what a fox sounds like when its screaming its like something from a horror movie. It went on for ages. ( you can listen to THIS  YouTube clip if you want to hear it )

Had a nice lie in this morning.  After breakfast I had a phone call from my Slimming World consultant just to see how I'm doing.  She's really supportive.

The weather was dreadful  - very windy with heavy rain - so I held off going to the village ( I needed to pick up my repeat prescription)  However the weather didn't improve - in fact it got worse  - so I just had to wrap up and head out anyway. 

So a bit of a quiet day for me.  When I got home I had a think about the Abstract Thursday challenge.  The theme today is Organic.  One meaning of this word is " being or coming from living plants and animals". I went for an easy option and took a couple of shots of the mixed salad leaves I was having as part of my tea.  I did a bit of faffing in Picasa to boost the colours and then superimposed the shots to get my final result.  Thanks as always to Ingeborg for hosting the challenge.

Musical link - Polk SALAD Annie - by Elvis Presley.( He's so sexy )

I have finally had to give up on my plans to travel to Boston next month. Its just too much of a risk to my health - and more importantly the health of those I would be staying with... including my special blip friend justbe.  Travelling to stay with her would mean passing through three busy airports, including a wait of 4 hrs in Dublin airport - and two plane journeys.  Apart from that its more than likely the Boston Marathon will be cancelled and seeing Becky and Mike run in that was one of the reasons for my visit. So I'm feeling very disappointed at the moment. I was so looking forward to the trip.  But as an " elderly " person ( apparently over 60's are classed as elderly) I don't think its advisable to travel. Hopefully this dreadful virus will run its course and possibly later in the year when things settle down I can think again about travelling " across the pond".

Steps today - 7,827

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