The Untrained Eye

By untrainedeye

That's me that is!

Today is my birthday. OK, I know. Same day as Jasper Carrott, Robin Trower and Albert Einstein . No comments please.

Anyway I woke to the bleep of my 'phone with lovely and some sarcastic messages from my family and Mrs UE dropping a modest pile of cards and some lovely presents on my bed ( carefully avoiding my new knee)!

Everything  you receive on these occasions is precious including those from Grandson1( by age of course) on his gap year in a far and distant land and using the family App.

And my picture today? A special ' birthday card'  produced by  Grandson2 ( also by age of course) featuring the type of  landscape I enjoy and featuring me...yes me!  I'm going to frame it!

I'm a lucky guy!!!

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