An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Invitation accepted...

Got notification of the planned singalong on Saturday night.  Turns out we're not busy this Saturday so plan to take part but don't live in the centre of town, so we may be the only ones on our doorstep in our area, singing along.  Should be interesting.  

I've seen posts on social media after similar shows of support saying NHS staff and Key Workers don't need such meaningless (not my word) displays but proper recognition and salaries that reflect the amazing work they do.  I agree totally with the latter, but every single person I know who is currently working in frontline services has been so thankful and overwhelmed by the support already shown to them in this way that we will be on our doorstep singing our hearts out.  Apologies in advance to anyone within earshot :-)

I can report that the Gin Palace has been hoovered from top to bottom so spidey webs no more.  It has also been cleaned with disinfectant and the windows washed (not by me I hasten to add.  David needs to do something to fill the golf gap ;-))  

All the remains is to put the furniture, pictures, bunting, priceless gin artefacts and the cosy throws Scottish summer what else can I say and cushions back, and the Gin Palace will be ready to receive guests.  

I suspect it will just be us this year. 



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