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By CMPhoto

Day 13 - Covid-19 Lockdown

Today was another slow start. Breakfast in my jim-jams, back to bed for a leisurely read, a cup of coffee then shower and up.
I had determined today to get the camera out into the garden and do some closeups of some of the plants we have. Not that we have many, we can’t compete with Kew, but I just felt that I should give it a go.
As it happened I got quite involved with the photography. I moved around one of the two cordylines we have, trying to get some nice edges on the leaves from the sun that was quite strong today. I spent about an hour photographing the plant and then it was time for lunch.
After that Mrs M and I went out for our daily exercise. We are covering about 2.5 miles a day so that isn’t too bad. The crematorium is normally on our path but it is now on lockdown apart from funerals so we can no longer walk through it.
There were a few more people walking around today including families, obviously taking advantage of the warmer weather. Everyone seems to be observing the “2 meters distance rule” and there is a nod, smile or “hello” as we pass.
The image is one of the shots of the cordyline I took this morning. I was aiming to get abstract images from the plant and I think there may be one or two good ones I can use.

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