A Blip In The Fens

By Alesbirdwin

Long legs lazing

Here's my big boy - Rory. I get asked why he doesn't make as many appearances in Blip as Archie, and the honest answer is that Rory hates having his photo taken. Yes, really! It actually freaks him out and he makes a quick exit to another room or safe hidey hole. I think he thinks the flash is going to go off and that reminds him of thunder and lightning storms - which he also hates. To get a picture of him you have to be either super sneaky or wait till he dozes off - which happens a lot being a lazy lurcher. Shame really as he is so handsome when he wants to be.

After yesterday's triumph of ticking one of the birds off the list of those that have been eluding me - I thought you might like to see that one of those still on the list - is taunting me. Check THIS out. It's a goldcrest. But from the look of this picture, he appears to be wearing a party hat and funny fake moustache.

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