Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Still No Oil Painting!

Another weekend, another attempt at recreating an artwork.

I had planned to give myself a severe lockdown haircut today, in preparation for another artist homage that I have in mind. However, I thought I’d make use of my hair before cutting it, so the self-shearing will have to wait until tomorrow (I apologise to my mum in advance...)

Whilst pondering which painting I could pay tribute to today, it struck me that I look a bit like the artist Stanley Spencer (I don’t mean to brag!!) so I’ve had a go at recreating one of his self-portraits. You can see the original at

It’s been another week of emotional ups and downs for me, as for all of us, I’m sure. I’m still having tearful moments every day, and angry and anxious moments too. But I’ve also had some calmer times, and have managed to focus on my work a little more easily.

I’ve started reading ‘The Luminaries’ by Eleanor Catton, which I’ve had on my ‘to read’ pile for about 5 years. Now seems as good a time as any to get stuck into an 800+ page book! I’m about a quarter of the way through as of today and am absolutely gripped! I’m particularly taken with the fact that so much of the action takes place on 27th January 1866, exactly 100 years before I was born!

I hope you’re all as safe and well as possible, and that you’re finding ways to keep yourselves occupied and entertained. Keep taking care!

Today’s song is ‘Friends (Version 2)’ by Adam and the Ants because of the lyric...

“I'm an old friend of Charles Hawtrey
I'm a friend of Michael Caine
I'm a friend of Stanley Spencer
I'm a friend of Big John Wayne”

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