A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

I See The Bad Moon Arising

Actually, no Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Moon was setting, & to be honest, I'm not too sure how bad he was, more tired I think after a long night shift.

This was the early morning view from our front room window, & as I was having a little peep out the window, onto the busy street that passes below, in my brief moment of curtain-twinching indulgence, I caught sight of the gleaming moon en route for bed.

Flashforward to Monday Quiz Night at the Highlands Inn this very eve (I see a number of you noticing that we've skipped the middle & majority of the day. I have used a bit of blip-tistic licence here, as for the sake of sanity, it would do none of us any good to recount & mull over the quiet day I had at the Office).

Once again, we had a lovely evening spent with friends chatting & laughing & catching up, & not paying very much attention to the Quiz at all really, even in the round we won!?

Now to bed, otherwise the Moon will be angry as he'll have to cover the day shift for me, & he won't like that. He gets cranky.

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