Shorter days

The working day reduces to 6 hours only, if you’re Muslim. But my other Western colleague and I have been given the same rights this year, maybe because of the pay cuts. In Kuwait and Egypt it was the same for all.
As I woke early I went down to the beach. It was deserted! It meant I could go and take photos of the boat sheds as the guys are now going out late in the afternoon. Nice opportunity to take photos. The police were there, just keeping an eye on things.
Nice to be in the office and my colleagues work hard to distance from me, something they don’t do so well together.
Took a lot of time to get ready for my recordings, in fact, they didn’t happen. Technical issues, printing reference material etc. I did more work at home then joined in an online Pilates class with the instructor I had in Kw8. Thirty minutes, nice to have the familiarity. A beach walk, dinner, Netflix, bed.

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