Sad, sad day

Tired this morning so didn’t walk. My (lovely) boss picked me up. She’s much liked by all her staff. A reasonable day, recording videos is getting a bit easier.
Got home, and relaxed. My lovely friend in Cairo sent me a message. I think MM has died. I couldn’t believe it. I looked on fb and it was true. I had a bad feeling about this. Her sister had passed on the news but no cause of death. She was a former colleague, we’d started at the same time in Cairo, she was a local girl, we also caught up socially a bit too. I ran into her in the office when I went back last October and I thought she was more settled. I was pleased for her. I realised, looking back, her posts on fb recently have been about her worries, her fears, but I, and probably many others didn’t realise the extent of this. Corona and a future after it were on her mind, as were past experiences. While nothing has been said, and won’t be in their culture and religion, we all slowly began to realise what had happened. She joins her mother and father, at the age of 33. She will be missed by many, she was kind and much loved.
The evening was an awful blur of messages and reading posts, lots of posts on fb. So sad.
Rest In Peace, finally. We’ll miss you MM, maybe more than you ever realised.

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