
This little bird and friend have visited before. The first time I could hear them so came into the room to look. Very surprised to see them on the top of the window and popping behind the curtain. They were playing around again this morning and I enjoyed watching them. They flew away when I got up.
Early walk on the beach, there by 7. A family was there too, swimming in the sea. The tide was out so easy paddling in the water along the length of the beach. It’s next to The Chedi, a beautiful hotel (by reputation) and their little bit of beach is private. I still get the same Arabian Gulf view! But not from their lovely gardens or pool. Home and showered, it’s getting so hot I don’t need to heat the water now..
Worked from home, more recording of lectures, working on policies. And then was sent a brochure of courses run by the Institute the company bought last year. My colleague was sent it too. We have to get this up and running this year. Goodness knows how. My colleague told me our business isn’t suffering but salaries have been cut. Hmmm
A Pilates class by zoom was a good way to finish my day, and helps someone pay bills. I’ll do what I can unless my salary is halved too.. a walk on the beach, dinner, still from the veggie box, Netflix, got bitten by a mozzie, it’s a bit painful.. I’ve occasionally needed antibiotics after being bitten..  I hope it’s ok, and finally to bed. . 

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