
By USAHIhifriends

Private soundtrack

He and I walked onto the beach at the same time this morning.   He went directly down to the waters' edge to prospect for treasures.    Waves were small today (1-3-ft) and not easy to ride, given the slope of the sand.

Morning newspaper headline  :  STATE SEEKING SOLUTIONS
Lawmakers return to the Capitol to make budget fixes and avoid furloughs.
And  :  From the head of Hawaii's coronavirus response team :  "If we let the economy go the way it's going, I feel there will be significant cival unrest that could lead to civil disobedience and , worse case, civil disturbance and rioting."
"At some point we need to accept risks.  We've got to accept the fact that people will become infected and test Hawaii's health care system."

And  :  Gov Ige says Hawaii 'flattening curve' but must remain vigilant
Social distancing must continue to stay on track so that the state can slowly reopen its economy.

Stay well, stay inside, and take care, everyone.

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